Feedback - MarkusTegelane


Here you can send feedback and questions about the web site to admins. Your name and password will be sent to the server and get encrypted before saving. This means that you have to remember both your username and password, if you want to see answers from admin to your questions. If you forget these login details, you'll have to enter new ones. Before entering these details, make sure your connection is secure and that sertificates are from Cloudflare (with the exception if you're developing the web site).

Your login details are not viewable in the database, since they get encrypted before getting saved. This means that the administrator can not, in any way, log into your account. Sent messages and nicknames in these messages are only visible to administrators.

Username is visible only to you. After logging out, it'll be forgotten and restored when you log in again.

In addition to sending feedback, you can do the following:

Example, how login details are stored in the database (random data, not actual data):

1 2e56ce57c397c5374b3b538cdb3fe153
2 26dd01f15b2d1abcd73fc40ea4ce7b2b
3 05d9a930e3450967cc3ff1097bc6e0e6


Tags: feedback tagasiside kontakt contact administraator administrator report teavitamine bugid bugs