News - MarkusTegelane


Deleting the X/Twitter account (for real this time)

2025-01-31 20:59:34 UTC+0

FYI for everyone - I'm very soon going to delete my channel's official X account (that's the Elon Musk's platform, which we at one point referred to as Twitter), mainly because the platform has been in a rough state for a while for non-premium users. In the future, you will only find short-form posts on the Bluesky platform.

You can follow my activities in the future on the following platforms:

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Will Windows 10 support end on 14th October 2025?

2025-01-15 16:31:42 UTC+0

If you're a long follower of my channel, you know that I have a tradition of making videos when the support for a Windows version is starting to end.

But just like previously, I will not be making an end of support video on January, but instead be waiting until only a few weeks before the actual end of support. You may be wondering - but why?

Windows 11 system requirements are riddiculously high. More precisely for new hardware, such as a TPM 2.0 security chip and new generation processors, which your computer may not have, even if it's just 5 years old. In addition, Windows 11 requires 4GB of system memory, but it's recommended to use at least 8GB instead (Windows 11 system requirements).

So, it would be a really bad decision in terms of retaining marking share to end support for the previous operating system not to mention a large amount of electronic was, which would accumulate due to this. Sure, Microsoft Lifecycle dictates that the extended support will end on this date, however historically, Microsoft has postponed this date, such was the case with XP, but then the main factor was Windows Vista's slow development and XP's market share was really high even after Vista was released. That's why the end of support was postponed by 3 years.

It's not out of the question that Microsoft might do something similar with Windows 10. In fact, they have already announced that they will offer paid support, this time even for inspaniduals with retail licenses (ESU i.e. Extended Security Updates). It's possible that they might postpone the end of support and at the same time continue offering this extended support service.

That's great, but can't you just skip the system requirement checks for Windows 11 by adding some values to system registry (tutorial)? Yes, it's possible, however it's more meant for evaluation/testing purposes and not for real everyday use plus Microsoft has said that they might stop offering updates to computers, which do not meet written Windows 11 system requirements.

This is the reason why I have never rushed with releasing an end of support video. I do plan on waiting until things are more clear and then make that video.

In terms of content, the plan is to make a more detailed video, similar to maybe my Windows XP and Vista end of support announcements. But I will be using completely different background music (i.e. it won't be Stan LePard - Velkommen or Hello Windows remix) and video style, which will be something completely unique for Windows 10. Little hint: blue eye.

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New video about destroying Windows Vista

2025-01-15 13:06:53 UTC+0

Today at 18:00 EEST, there will be a premiere on the MarkusTegelane channel, where I destroy the Windows Vista operating system. I hope you're going to like this one :)

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Transition to new CMS on MarkusTegelane website

2024-07-06 18:13:42 UTC+0

Soon MarkusTegelane website will run a new content management system, the same one that's on website, which has been written by me from scratch (apart from Markdown decoder, which is a third party library). The change affects all subsites, including MarkusTegelane+ and MarkusTegelane++ (dev) sites, where both are getting a new interface. Content management system has multiple benefits compared to previous Laserlite system, including:

However, old themes will not work on the new content management system (specifically laserlight and classic), but I try to keep it possible to allow you to use these themes, altough I probably won't really update those legacy pages anymore.

The transition won't happen immediately, because I need to determine all of the links, which need to be redirected to new URLs, so that old links don't throw a 404 after update.

Here are some screenshots of the site with new CMS:

Content management with multiple subapps

MarkusTegelane+ devUpdate page

News subpage (MarkusTegelane webapp)

MarkusTegelane+ latest videos page


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Reminder: legacy version of channel database will be closed on 1st April

2024-03-31 19:36:50 UTC+0

Due to security concerns, I am closing the old version of channel database. At 12:00 UTC, it will no longer be possible to use this URL to enter the channel database, instead you are going to see an error message. New version, which you will be able to access in the future, can be found here.

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New application - Channel database Lite

2024-02-29 18:33:12 UTC+0

Channel database has always been an important part of my website and now, in 2024, I have rewritten it from scratch in Yii2 framework. I have several reasons for doing this, but one important reason is that the old channel database apps were written in 2020, back when I wasn't as experienced with making PHP applications.

The consequence of this is that the code of channel database is now very unreadable and over the years, there have been a lot of bugs, which I have found in the app. Architectually the problem was that about 90% of the code was on a single file and global variables were used everywhere. The situation was a little bit better on the very first versions, but there a lot of the code was duplicated, which created a situation in which changing something in the main view didn't apply to idea box and gallery.

The situation got worse, when I discovered serious vulnerabilities in legacy non-Bootstrap versions (which is why I made them inaccessible).

Channel database Lite solves these problems through version methods. First, the project now uses MVC (model-view-controller) patter. This makes it easier to find content in the code (e.g. database communications in models, views in views directory, controllers in controllers etc.).

Second, it uses Yii2 framework. This is a PHP framework, which uses more secure defaults, includes useful helper functions and a better debugger, automates various tasks, etc.

Third, it doesn't do anything unnecessary. You can't add or modify records directly within the application, even if you are logged in. Database is managed externally in admin view on site.

It still uses Bootstrap 5 styling framework, but now it also uses custom colors, which is something that the old applications didn't do.

Almost all functions are still available, including searching videos, various filters, gallery, idea box, report viewing and downloading, sorting, archived comments and more. The exceptions are CSV export for reports and legacy browser mode. The last one I didn't bother implementing since Bootstrap 5 already doesn't support older browsers, but CSV export was removed, because there are so many implementations of it and converting JSON to desired CSV format isn't that difficult.

Last, you may ask - what happens with the old channel database versions? The last version, which was available before Lite was published, will still be available until 1st April (apart from archived comments). After 1st April, I'll remove that application from my website. Older versions, which didn't use Bootstrap styling framework are already no longer available to the public.

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Empty blog post

2023-12-30 20:01:26 UTC+0

This blog post has intentionally been left empty. Please do not read it!

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Deleting Twitter/X profile

2023-10-22 14:25:25 UTC+0

Starting from next year, I'm going to delete my account on Twitter/X. This means that starting from January 2024, you will not be able to follow what I do using the social network site. Instead, I recommend you follow me through the following methods:

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