<IMPORT:gol_en:SELECT 1+1:SELECT 1+1:SELECT 1+1:> - MarkusTegelane

Game of life

Drawing mode

Press "Start simulation" to begin

Rectangle size:Muuda


Advanced settings:


9 fps

Window size:


















  • Pixel with foreground color (default: white): Living cell
  • Pixel with background color (default: black): Dead cell


This game is based on J. H. Conway's cellular automaton "Game of Life". It has 4 simple rules, which are as follows:

  1. Populated cell with less than two living neighbours will become unpopulated
  2. Populated cell with two or three living neighbours will stay populated
  3. Populated cell with more than three neighbours will become unpopulated
  4. Unpopulated cell with excactly three living neighbours will become populated
More info about the cellular automaton
Note:This version has a specific difference compared to the original concept: game area is limited, which means that cells may get stuck near the bounds, otherwise this should be identical.

Drawing mode

The game initially starts in this mode. Holding down the left mouse button and dragging or clicking on a specific spot on the play area will populate cells. To delete populated cells, click on the "Mode: Draw", which activates the eraser. Press "Mode: Eraser" to go back to normal drawing mode. To clear the play area, click the "New game" button. To start the automaton, click "Start simulation", to move forward by one time unit, click on "Next iteration".

Life mode

If you see the text "Simulation is running..." and there is activity on the play area, the game has started. The player doesn't need to press any buttons anymore, only thing to do is to see how long your configuration lasts. To stop the simulation, click on "Pause simulation". To continue, click on "Continue simulation". The goal is to make a configuration that lasts as long as possible.

End of the game

The game will end with one of the following results:

  • Entropy: All cells are dead, including the still ones
  • No moving cells: All cells are dead, still ones are alive
  • Frozen evolution: Only oscillators (and still cells) are alive

In the end, you can see how long your configuration lasted. To start a new game, click on "New game".

Additional features

You can change the size of the cell, by clicking on the text field and typing a number. Than you can press "Apply" to apply the changes.

You can also change colors. Using sliders below the game are, you can specify foreground and background colors in RGB system. (you can use RGB color picker for example to see all values needed for your desired color)

In addition, it is possible to change the framerate. the higher the framerate, the faster simulation runs. You can also change the window size.

Tags: game game of life conway gol elu mäng