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Links and descriptions of my channels

Name Description Links
MarkusTegelane  Good channel for people who are interested in computers and games. When I'm active, I upload once a week. Some video topics include computer tips, MarkuStation, Markuse computer entertainment, info and news and other stuff. Visit this channel (YouTube)Visit this channel (LBRY/Odysee)
MarkusTegelane+  Extension of mmaal with lower quality content. Videos are released more often and often involve random topics.
 In addition to random stuff, I also do live streams, reversed videos, improvements for older videos, backstages for videos and development videos from a discontinued channel TheMarkusGuy++ (MarkusTegelane++)
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MarkusTegelane++ A programming focused version of my main chanenl. If you are interested in early development builds of my software, software projects, that don't fit with my main channel content, or just want to know how specific file formats work, then this channel is meant for you! All content in this channel is in English, but Estonian subtitles are available if you need them. Visit this channel (YouTube) Visit this channel (LBRY/Odysee)
Markus's stuff (formerly ElektrooniliseRakenduseTeadus)  Secondary channel, where I do videos about Markus's stuff. This includes Markus's computer stuff, - tablet stuff, Markus's thumbdrive, Markus's stuff for phones, Markus's folders, etc.
 Videos are not released often, but I try to release at least 2 videos per year.
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Press any key to continue... Channel that uploads videos about computer error screens, video games, and other stuff. All content is in English. Visit this channel (YouTube)Visit this channel (LBRY/Odysee)
Markus Maal (personal)  My personal channel, where I upload private videos from time to time. Right now there's no public content in this channel, but I have plans for making this channel a junction between my other channels.
 Using this account, I comment videos and you can also see this profile picture on other social media profiles I have (Markus Maal sketch image).
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